Heartfelt Worship

By design, God created us to be worshipers. We strive to teach all people that fulfillment in life only comes through worshiping the One, true God. Our worship services seek to invite the presence of God to offer hope and healing to all.

Applicable Bible Study

We believe the Bible is the Ultimate Truth and the standard for daily living. Our members are encouraged to study the Bible privately each day, and participate in various church groups and events where they can learn with other believers.

Compassionate Service

We seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community by serving those in need. We offer opportunities where people can give their time; money and talents to help share the love of Jesus.

Active Fellowship

We were never meant to experience life on our own. We gather on a regular basis where you can grow in your faith and share life with friends.

Effective Evangelism

Jesus said “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...”. At Mt. View, we strive to be a "church with a view for the community" by reaching out to our local community and building relationships with people who have not heard the Gospel.